Personal Model Coaching

Get your very own 90 minute personal model coaching session with Aaron Marcus. Aaron is America’s Premier Acting and Commercial Modeling Career Coach, Host of Model Talk Radio, and founder of

Since 1995, Aaron has helped countless people achieve success through his bestselling book “How To Become A Successful Commercial Model“, (now in its 5th Edition) his amazing workshops, newsletter, seminars and blog. His Becoming a Successful Actor and Commercial Model workshop has been given over 500 times throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia and South Africa.

Represented by 125 agents across the United States, Aaron Marcus has been a full-time actor and commercial model since 1986. He has been cast in 1,157 (to date) TV and radio commercials, corporate films, feature film, television and print ads including:

Law & Order, The Wire, LifeSavers, America’s Most Wanted, Crayola Crayons, Red Roof Inn, West Wing, Nieman Marcus, Molson Beer, Ruby Tuesday’s, “11”, K-Mart, Saving Corporate America, Harrah’s Casino, Disney World, A Modest Suggestion, and Burn After Reading.

Aaron Marcus’ modeling ads have been seen around the world in magazines such as: Time, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Parents, TV Guide, Sports Illustrated, Details, Money, Mirabella, Forbes, New York Times, People, Maxim, SW Airlines, and The Wall Street Journal.


Your Ninety Minute Session Can Include Topics Such As:

How To Get Test Photos Taken Free

How To Create a Powerful Composite Sheet

How To Deal With Contract and Model Release Forms

How To Create A Strong Resume – Even With Little or No Experience

How To Deal With Nervousness at Auditions, Go-see’s and On The Set

Tips On Giving Yourself Your Best Chance For Getting Cast At A Go-See

The Best Way To Make Sure You Get Copies (Tearsheets) Of The Work You Do

How To Accurately Manage and Understand The Business Side Of The Industry

How To Understand The Ingredients Needed To Create Strong Commercial Photos

How To Impress Industry Professionals, and Get Them To Hire You Again and Again

How To Market Yourself and Get Work On Your Own – Even If You Don’t Have An Agent

The Differences Between Agents, Managers, Art/Creative Directors and Casting Directors

Know The Right Questions To Ask To Make Sure You Are Working With a Legitimate Agent

Special Techniques To Use For Every One Of Your TV, Film, Go-see or Commercial Auditions

How To Find A Great Agent and Photographer, and What They Expect From Models and Actors



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